Thursday, November 12, 2009

Green Heron

Hello there everybody, I think this is a Green Heron, but I am not shore. This picture was taken the same places as the Ahinga pictures.


Sparky said...

Neat looking bird. Great shot. Keep up the good job.

Brad Myers said...

Shane, great shot, it is tack sharp and has a perfect depth of field. Just wait until we get to shoot here again next year we should get some great stuff.

Coy Hill said...

Super image Shane, like your dad said, tack sharp great dof but ID is off, it's a tri-colored heron.

bobshank said...

Hi Shane!

This is a great photograph! I have several photos of blue herons but have never seen green or tri-colored ones. It is amazing how these photographs are sharp enough for us to be able to make exact definitions. Keep up the great photo work!

Brad Myers said...

I guess I got caught. I looked at the photo and thinking I was with him when he took the photo didn't read the title or post. I better pay closer attention next time. Sorry Shane.

Shane Myers said...

no excuses i should make you pay for that, please??